Hur kan platser stimulera innovation?

Invitation to Afternoon Talk about attractive & open spaces in Lund Innovation District. 17th of June at 15.30 –17.30 at SmiLe Incubator, Scheelevägen 1 (Building 401), Lund.
We warmly invite innovation stakeholders and actors, business leaders, council and university representatives, and Future by Lund members to the eighth afternoon talk, this time about the spaces in the innovation district.
Lund Innovation District is a global innovation ecosystem that brings together world-class research, entrepreneurship, and collaboration within walking distance. It is a place of innovation and creativity, with a playful spirit that fosters an innovation culture of experimentation in the spirit of potentialities.
How can spaces spark innovation?
An important part of creating an attractive innovation district is the creation of exciting, educational, safe, and inclusive places. In our localised context this means combining academia, companies, start-ups and students, in a mixed–use community to foster creativity, collaboration, and innovation.
Creating such a welcoming place isn’t easy.
An innovation district may feel closed, sterile or uninviting with many activities and events hidden. Transforming such environments requires a thoughtful approach. We need to understand needs and take time to experiment with public spaces and places, while identifying creative ways for financing activities to help various stakeholders feel ownership of the space. Also making it visitable and inspiring to other districts. How can we showcase innovation in the making?
Welcome to LID talks where we will present and explore concrete examples of how we could design and revitalise spaces that are adaptable to multiple roles, injecting new energy into the district landscape.
Refreshments at the mingle.
Anders Almgren, the City of Lund, Kristina Eneroth, Lund University, and Pia Kinhult, ESS – The steering Group of Lund ID.
Please register at